Publishing Standards

TALINCREA. Talento, inteligencia y creatividad


  1. TALINCREA. Publishes works in spanish, english and portuguese with basic and applied theoretical and experimental emphasis that contribute to the advancement of any field of Psychology and Education.


  1. The articles submitted to TALINCREA. Talento, inteligencia y creatividad, must be unpublished, that is, neither published nor in the process of publication in another journal. Once the work has been sent, it is assumed that all the authors have given their consent, ceding the rights over it in case it is accepted for publication in TALINCREA, as well as that any person cited as a source of personal communication consents to such citation.


  1. The journal has a "double-blind" peer review policy, i.e. both authors and reviewers are anonymous for the review process.


  1. Papers must conform to the publication guidelines of the journal


  1. It is the responsibility of the authors to obtain the corresponding permissions for the reproduction of material protected by copyright, as well as to communicate possible conflicts of interest.


  1. The opinions and contents of the articles published in TALINCREA. Talento, inteligencia y creatividad, are the sole responsibility of the authors; likewise, they shall be responsible for obtaining the corresponding permission to include material published elsewhere


  1.     The activities described in the published work will be in accordance with generally accepted ethical standards and criteria, both with regard to work with humans and animal experimentation, as well as with regard to professional ethics
  2. The maximum length of original articles and review articles will be 7,000 words including, where appropriate, title, abstract, references, figures, tables, appendices and illustrations.


  1. Articles should be written in Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced (except for abstracts, tables and figures, which should be single-spaced), aligned to the left of the paragraphs and numbered in the upper right-hand corner.


  1. The first page of the paper should include the title in Spanish or Portuguese and in English, the names of all authors, the institution to which they belong, the address (including e-mail) of the author with whom correspondence will be maintained and possible acknowledgements. It is necessary to follow the 7th edition of the publication standards of the American Psychological Association for the use of capital letters in titles. Thus, for example, all nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns and any word with four or more letters should begin with a capital letter.


  1. The second page will again include the title, an abstract (150-200 words) and keywords (4-5), all in Spanish or Portuguese and in English.


  1. The Introduction should follow the abstract. This section should not include the subtitle "Introduction" or subsections.

This should be followed by the Method section, which should contain the following sections: Participants, Instruments, Procedure and Data analysis. This will be followed by Results, Discussion (which should include both discussion and conclusions) and References.

  1. In case of adding acknowledgements, these should be included in an independent section at the end of the paper, before the "References" section, under the title "Acknowledgements".


  1. In the case of funded work, the sources of financing should be included in a section entitled "Funding", before the list of references, clearly specifying the financing entity and, in parentheses, the code assigned. If the work has not received funding, this section should not be included.


  1. The 7th edition of the publication guidelines of the American Psychological Association should be followed in the writing of manuscripts.


The following are some of these requirements:

  1. - Bibliographic citations in the text will include the author's last name and year of publication, both in parentheses and separated by a comma; when the author is part of the narrative only the date is included in parentheses. If there are two authors, both are always cited. If there are more than two authors, only the last name of the first author is used followed by "et al. Citations should be in alphabetical order. If there are several papers by the same author/s of the same year, the letters a, b, c, ..., ..., should be added to the date as far as necessary, repeating the year.
  2. In the list of references, in alphabetical order, all the works cited in the text should be included, always including all the authors, according to the following format:
    1. Books: Author (surname, comma and initials of name and period; if there are several authors they are separated with comma, before the last author who should be put as "and"); year (in parentheses) and period; complete title in italics and period; finally, the publisher.
    2. Book chapters: Author(s) of the chapter; year; title of the chapter; then, beginning with "En", the director(s), editor(s) or compiler(s) of the book, using the initials of the first name and last name, followed by the abbreviation "Ed." in parentheses, adding "s" in the case of plural; title of the book in italics and in parentheses the pagination of the chapter cited; finally, the publisher.
    3. Journal articles: Author(s); year; title of the article and period; full name of the journal in italics and comma; volume also in italics (without the expression "volume" or "vol.") and number in parentheses without being separated from the volume, and initial and final page of the article. In addition, the doi in URL format should be included. If the work does not have doi, the URL should be included directly.
    4. It is important to pay special attention to the APA 7th edition standards for citing papers presented at conferences, doctoral theses, regulations and software. Likewise, for the use of acronyms both in the text and in the references.


  1. Tables and figures should be included in the text, duly referenced, and following the 7th edition of the publication standards of the American Psychological Association. They should be numbered consecutively and cited in the text and should be legible in their entirety, avoiding empty spaces and taking maximum advantage of the space occupied.


  1. Papers should be sent in electronic version (.doc/.docx/.odt format) to the following address:


  1. TALINCREA. Talento, inteligencia y creatividad, will acknowledge receipt of the articles, replying to their consideration as soon as possible. Subsequently, each article received will be reviewed by two evaluators specialized in the subject of the article, who will send their conclusions to the Management Team of the journal, advising or advising against its publication. Such conclusions will be communicated to the authors, who should (in the case of requiring revision of the paper) revise their work taking into account the conclusions of the reviewers and submit it again to the journal in its revised version.


  1. The journal will communicate to the authors if their revised paper has been accepted or if it requires a second revision.


  1. Once the work has been accepted for publication, it will be communicated to the authors.